How to lose 25 to 45 pounds in 90 days.

Walking is the most common calorie burning exercise also the easiest. Walking just a few miles every couple of days for a few months is guaranteed to lose you weight.

If you're needing to lose just 3-4 pounds then walking a few miles a day for a week or two while drinking water daily will  work.

But, If you're heavier wanting to lose 25-45 pounds you'll need to walk a few miles a day for three or four months.

How many calories does walking burn?
Walking at normal speed burns anywhere from 120 to 200 calories per hour for most people. but can burn twice or even three times as much when walking fast or running.


 the MapMyWalk online community

One of those software phone app guys created an MapMyWalk app, GPS satellites track your walks all the way down to the street sidewalks.

The MapMyWalk app:

Calories worked off during walk.

Elevation during the full walk.

Live Miles walked.

Live step count.

Even a voice that will let you know when you've reached a mile and elapsed time.

Inside the app:

Keeps track of your weekly walks on the dashboard.

Can share GPS Maps of your walks with friends or walk a friends map.

Upgrade options

are available for pre-recorded personal trainers.

Get the app from the app store or visit the website below: